2 outta 3 ain't bad..

Remember that Meatloaf song, "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"... well, that's kind of where we are at right now.  We seem to have both the fatigue and depression mostly under control.  The last hold out is the pain.  We've tried CBD oil (doctor recommended), Kudzu root as recommended from the Buhner book, lemon balm tincture, and one more tincture I can't remember.  We have tried Hypericum 30C, a homeopathic remedy given to us by our LLMD's homeopath.  Nothing seems to help the pain, and when I added andographis this week, the pain increased.

That's the frustrating thing about Lyme.  You take something that is supposed to help, and you feel worse.  It could be a Herx reaction.  It can be an allergic reaction.  It can be maybe just weird timing and you feel worse because you're coming down with a cold.  Good think John knows the difference between them all, because a casual observer could never tell the difference.

Today, John's at a friends house.  I'm spending my time reviewing possible pain beaters in Buhner's book (helllllooo Amazon) and cleaning up supplements.. moving some into the supplement graveyard, keeping out what's working now.  This is a weekly chore as things move around.  Friday the Amazon things I ordered for pain... Angelica root tincture, and Bryonia homeopathic remedy will arrive with Zeolite, which I ordered for detox and soaking up all the buggers we are hopefully killing.

If you're the praying kind, we'd certainly be happy if you'd pray that the depression and fatigue stay managed as they are, and that John enjoys some pain-free days.  I think we'll all be dancing on the moon if there's ever a day that he doesn't mutter "Ugh" (his pain expression) or see him rubbing at a painful shoulder or elbow.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  We are thankful for many things, even if we complain a lot.  Right now, we're super thankful that we are making headway on this frustrating disease again.



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