Day 8: FAR Clinic

Today is day 8, and John has completed all his modalities for the day. The only oddity today was he had some collarbone pain on the G-force machine.  Matt suggested the spirochetes might have been hanging out there, and that's why he was feeling it.

What would really be helpful is if I could get John to get to a deep sleep.  He misses his bed and his dog still.  Today, I am trying a new tactic with Delta.  I'm approaching them from the expensive credit card perspective.  See,  we took a trip to Hawaii in June and I got suckered into their Amex card.  Weak moment.  Anyhow, I haven't tried to see what power it could wield for me until today.  I called the number on the back of my card and explained to a lovely agent how my chronically ill son really is homesick.  His treatments end a day early, so can you get a boy home to his dog and bed?  She is working with Delta and is supposed to call me back.

One thing I forgot to mention is Alexa.  The FAR Clinic has one of these Amazon smart devises.  Matt has encouraged us to ask Alexa for jokes while we are doing the PEMF treatments.  Today she had a few good ones.  What do you do with a sick chemist?  Answer:  If you can't helium and can't curium, you have to barium.  And.. what's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?  Answer:  One is pretty heavy and the other is a little lighter.

So, from here I'm supposed to get John out walking and potentially having fun.  Fun is part of healing, and he's been too tired to have fun.  Wish me luck!


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