Day 5: FAR Clinic

Last night, John didn't feel up to anything.

We got home to the hotel at 1:00pm, and he sat on the couch the rest of the day.  I really wanted him to come with me to walk to Harmon's, the best grocery store you can imagine.  Take Whole Foods and make the store twice as big, minus the pretentious air about it, and you have Harmon's.  I was on a mission for chocolate.  While John isn't supposed to consume a lot of sugar, sometimes the chocolate incentive gets the smoothie down.  I figure he's getting way more nutrition in the smoothies, since it's replacing two meals, and he's having chicken on salad for dinner.  A little chocolate to push through the hard moments is okay.  I found the chocolate and browsed the other aisles.  A grocery store like this when you have food sensitivities is a godsend.  In the frozen aisle, I stumbled upon a John-friendly treat at he's been craving for years:  cheesecake.  Actually, it was Daiya brand Cheezecake.

Free of dairy, gluten, eggs and corn...the kojibroda of treats (made up family word that John's grandpa invented.. loosely translated, we use it to mean something you've been searching for that's the best or biggest).  I had one happy boy when I returned home with the strawberry variety. It actually tasted like a good substitute, which can be a challenge with our way of eating.

This morning was Day 5. My son still misses his dog.  His preferred canine is Ranger,  half-poodle half-Aussie shepherd, 18 lbs. of attentive service dog.

Ranger, a.k.a. little poo, isn't a trained service dog, but he is very in tune with John.  If he is tired and laying on the couch, Ranger is right there with him.  If John wants to be in the hammock getting fresh air, Ranger is right there with him.  When we need John up, we send Ranger in to wake him.  A little kiss on his ear or cheek is how John typically wakes up.  This little gesture usually starts his day off right.  I'm no substitute.

Starting the day with the medical smoothie doesn't help John either.  But, the Hyatt has been great.  I explained to them that with our food issues, John can really only eat their bacon from the breakfast offerings, but they don't serve bacon everyday.  They said they would be happy to make him bacon daily.  Woohoo!  I went to request it this morning and they wanted to know how many slices. I asked for 4-5, they gave me 8.  Awesome!  He was able to get the smoothie down.

Elanda met us at 9:30 for gym time.  This time was chest and back exercises, the ones we did previously.  Elanda was counting his two arm rows, and was going to stop at 50, but John kept going. Every time she slowed her counting, he dug in his heels and produced another ten reps.  He ended at 100, double when she was asking.  It should be noted that he's lifting very light weights.  This isn't for muscle growth, but for activating his cells to put him in the right setting for hyperthermia.

After Elanda, we were off to see Matt at the clinic.  Same routine, hyperthermia suit, health
pod, PEMF with smoothie and 3 serrapeptase, and g-force machine.  Only changes were Rife at 781 square wave during PEMF.  Barbara and Matt noticed that his body is accepting the hyperthermia a lot quicker. We were done with all modalities by 11:45 today.  Now we are back at the hotel. John's resting while I blog.  He is supposed to walk around with me tonight to keep his joint pain lowered after the Rife.  Though we like Cafe Zupas salads, I'm hoping he will want to walk to somewhere new today.

And... I really want to check out the new Cabela's down the street.  It's so close, why not?

Side note:  this area is booming.  The roads are in excellent shape, the highway system is well planned, the city streets are all grids and easy to navigate.  There is new construction in many places. If you're looking to go somewhere new, check out Bountiful and Farmington, Utah.  I'd really like to see how this place is in winter.  Right now, it's beautiful.  Love seeing America!


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