May, Mold, My, My

It's been a long time. As much as things have changed, things have remained the same. But, I thought it was time for a little update, so here goes. We'll see how organized my thoughts are tonight. My last post was late March. April included Easter, and finishing up our school year at co-op by the first week of May. Then immediately, we went off to Florida on a trip to the beach for a month. It was supposed to be great because John normally feels great at the beach. I booked AirBNBs in Bradenton and St. Augustine to get a nice blend of gulf side vs. ocean side. The day before we left, though, I received the results from a spore test for mold in our home from Mycometrics (it involves using an overpriced Swiffer dust cloth to collect samples from ceiling fan blades and tops of windows). The LLMD claims if you are not getting better, you need to check for mold. Houston, we have a problem! We had several well known species o...