Heavy Metals

I've been having a feeling that we have a heavy metal issue.  Call it mom's intuition.  Detoxamin was what we were using, but the last time, he was hit so hard by it with side effects... lethargy, moody, a hot mess.  I started looking into ACC (Andy Cutler Chelation), which is a way to detox heavy metals very slowly.  But, then I remembered that 2 years ago, I bought these expensive detox and metals and rebalancing kits from Desbio on our MN LLMD's recommendation.  Shortly after we bought that, we moved, and it has been "out of sight out of mind."  Until yesterday.

I told John what I was thinking about metals, and he agreed that Detoxamin was too harsh.  He was willing to give these kits a go.  It has a 60-day schedule that includes the homeopathic detox drops, liposomal vitamin C, liposomal ALA, and liposomal magnesium.  Each day is laid out with what we need to do.  It's day 2.  And something's happening.

Who. Is. This. Boy?

John:  Hey mom, can I play video games tomorrow?

Me:  Umm, after you get your schoolwork and co-op work done.

John:  What if I want to work ahead?  Could I play some tomorrow?

Me:  What's so important about playing tomorrow?

John:  They're releasing an update for the game I like.

Me:  Well, ok.. I'll still need to read and such, but you can certainly play some.

I hadn't seen him for a couple hours, as I was writing a chemistry test for the class I teach.  Just now I checked in on him.  He's in his room, working ahead on tomorrow's work.  He also decided it'd be a good idea to do some of his work when he's detoxing in the sauna.  

Dude.  Working ahead is his idea. Going in the sauna, his idea.  It's like Christmas for this mama.

I asked him.. what happened?  Why the change?  Is it the detox kit?  It's all we changed.  He said he "ran around."  But he hasn't "run around" for the heck of it in months.  I pray this continues.  I don't know what's going on, but we need more of it.  I've been praying, hoping, thinking, analyzing, preparing, learning, researching, pouring my free time, brainpower and extra money into making him better.  I really hope we are turning a corner.  


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