We've been hit, and other random musings

I'm typically the one who does all the care taking around here.  Paul works, and we need him to concentrate on that so we can pay the bills and such.  But this week has been TOUGH.  Paul is out of town on business, so that leaves me single-parenting for the week.  But then... what seemed like a little annoying post-nasal drip for me turned into a full blown sinus infection that started hitting me hard on Tuesday.  It totally kicked my butt.  I had the highest fever I ever remember at 103.4.  I had to take a hot bath to stay warm.  My head felt so heavy and dumb, which isn't a good state as the primary caregiver of a chronically ill family member.

I literally didn't have the energy to drive myself to a minute clinic.  I whipped out my at-home rapid strep test.  My throat was so raw I figured it was worth testing, but the test showed negative.  I looked in the mirror and saw stuff in the back of my throat.  I slept on and off for 24 hours.  Though it may seem strange to some, I do NOT treat the fever symptom anymore.  My immune system is smart enough to fight when I have a fever, so I let it.  I was miserable though, as I stayed between 100 and 103.5 for 3 days (it ended today!).

The next morning, I drove to a CVS minute clinic and was first in line.  The nurse practitioner heard all my symptoms, looked at me and concluded sinus infection.  I've only ever had one once, and I remembered it being miserable.  I guess this was the same miserable.  Not strep!  Best thing about this has been I've had literally no appetite.  I've had to force myself to eat to get the antibiotics down, else I've not eaten much.  Five pounds of weight loss so far.  By the way, when you take antibiotics, it's really mission critical to take strong probiotics, too.  Because John's had so many things he's tried, there is always something here for me to use that didn't work for him.  Megasporebiotic, here I come!

Sometimes when I do these blogs, it feels fairly random/ADHD-ish type musings.  I say this now because of the Megasporebiotic.  This probiotic did NOT agree with John.  Instant belly pain and diarrhea.  Last night, I was watching another of Dr. Ben Lynch's videos, this one on DAO and histamine.  I learned why John reacted so poorly to this probiotic.  Apparently if you have high histamine, some probiotics can throw you over the edge in the histamine department, causing everything from whole body itching to fatigue, face flushing, etc.  John and Patrick have had a few of these reactions before, but I didn't understand why.  Being sick allowed me the time to be lazy and watch a video that helped me figure it out.  But, as with all of Dr. Lynch's videos, I have to watch them twice to really get the most out of them.  They're so dense with material that I need the first time to soak in before solidifying it with a second dose.

This whole time I've been sick has been no picnic for John either.  Today he's been pretty miserable.  Up, ate breakfast, ate supplements and prescriptions, laid on the couch in pain saying "this sucks" repeatedly.  He was cold, uncomfortable, and hopeless.  This happens all too often for this mama bear. I turned on the sauna hoping some detox would help.  I had him drink a big glass of lemon water.  We sat in there until he was glistening, and now he's up in the shower.  I hope he emerges squeaky clean with a new lease on life.  We have things to do!


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