Update.. for us both

Last I wrote, John had a string of good days using Buhner herbs.  A day or two after that, the wheels came off.  This is pretty normal for us, but still discouraging.  He got a lot of pain and was having issues sleeping.  So, we had to pull back.  I was headed to Detroit for a hockey tournament with his brother anyway, making it a reasonable time to focus on detox.  In the past, a few days of detox usually helped things a bit.  But this time, I returned home to a kid that was no better.

We started Buhner herbs up slowly again.  First item added was Japanese Knotweed.  This plant is a bamboo like weed that's considered invasive in some areas.  Similar to our hard to get rid of dandelion, the knotweed is a tough weed to irradiate.  The roots of this plant are known to be a strong anti-microbial that is effective in treating Lyme because it gets to the spirochete.  Japanese knotweed is high in resveratrol, the same antioxidant that is found in wine.  It's also anti-inflammatory, and helps block autoimmune activity (autoimmune conditions are where the body is confused and attacks itself - our family has 3 of 4 members with Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease where our bodies attack our thyroid glands).

After a few days of knotweed, we added salvia miltiorrhiza and scutellaria baicalensis.  Both these additions are supposed to assist with neurological symptoms of Lyme - depression, brain fog, brain fatigue.  The ones we use come from Hawaiian Pharmacy, and are tinctures - herbs dissolved in alcohol.  They are added to a small amount of water, and drank.  John chases them with juice, as he says they taste pretty bitter.  We usually combine this two with guaiacum, which our homeopath has recommended.  I don't remember what symptoms she was hoping to treat with guaiacum, but it is known to also be anti-spirochetal, as well as helpful with growing pains and a host of other issues.

Because the nerve pain has been intense, I was hoping to try LDN again.  John took one last night immediately before bedtime.  And today sucks.  The pain isn't much better, but the tearfulness is ridiculous.  While other people get great results from LDN, we just don't.  Maybe it's the dosage, but this IS the lowest dosage compounded you can get (unless I split the capsule).  His mood is so lousy today, that I turned on Seinfeld just to get him over the hump.  We won't be doing LDN again anytime soon.  It's supposed to take 2 weeks to feel a difference, but we notice bad side effects that are so bad that we can't make it 2 weeks to feel the good that would come of it.  It's a rough day today.. any prayers we will certainly take.


On my own personal update, I was treating a mole that changed on my face.  The first application of black salve went pretty well.  I felt a small amount of tingling that felt similar to cleaning my face with acne pads as a kid.  I left it on for a few hours, and checked to see if I had a reaction.  Sure enough, a little reaction was there.  How about that for intuition?  I reapplied the bloodroot paste, and left it on until I went to bed.  From there, I applied a healing balm and a bandage so I wouldn't scratch it off while sleeping.  It took about a week before my body kicked out the first bit of cancer.  I healed up over the weekend and reapplied Monday.  Here it is, Thursday, and the second round of eschars fell out.  I don't see any white roots in what is left, thus, I shouldn't need to reapply it.  I should be done treating this mole.

I am continually impressed, and blessed by the cures that are here on this planet.  It's my strong belief that for anything destructive in nature, there is a cure nearby if you care to look for it.  Dandelions and apricot seeds are well known as anti-cancer, but there is no money in either cure.  With no money in them, there is no lobby for them and instead "big pharma" tries to reduce the credibility of anyone who speaks good of natural cures.  Bloodroot salve is an amazing product.  Zenith herbal carries it, and I stand by this company and its products.  I've used their salve to cure Bigdog (under vet supervision) and used their salve to eradicate cancer on several areas of my body (under the guidance of admins in support groups).  Salve will last a long time - so I recommend keeping a small supply in your arsenal of healing products.  I know I do!


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