Food sensitivities and alternative ingredients

A common symptom of Lyme and co-infections includes food sensitivities.  When John was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I already knew dairy-free and gluten-free cooking and baking was my future.  I had been DF and GF for myself already when he was diagnosed.  But what has followed has really challenged my abilities in the kitchen.  My current ingredient restrictions and the reasons why are as follows...

These are pretty much always an issue for John:

  • dairy (causes upset stomach, loose stools, and it binds to the methylfolate receptors, slowing down all methylation processes)
  • gluten (confuses the thyroid into attacking itself, plus American wheat is laced with glyphosphate/Round-up, which is known to cause destruction in the gut)
  • eggs (causes gas and loose stools - this one kills me... hard to bake with gluten and dairy, let alone eggs.  I'd really like this sensitivity to go away as the nutrition in eggs would be useful)
  • corn (causes extreme mood issues like anger and snappy sarcasm.. John can't even do a corn maze without becoming irritated.  This might also be from glyphosphate/Round-up)
  • beans (the lectins in the beans irritate the gut lining, including peanut butter, and John notices them)
  • tomatoes (inflammation causing, and also causes diarrhea)
  • nuts (hates the texture, most I can use is finely ground almond flour)
This week, these are an issue as well
  • oats (diarrhea)
  • rice (as flour, as cereal, as plain white Jasmine rice boiled...diarrhea)
  • basically any and all grains
  • coconut milk in the carton
Breakfast is the worst meal ever.  The entire meal is met with "Why can't I just have normal foods?"  and "Uggggggh!"  and "This sucks."  Not exactly winning at breakfast.  We start off the day in a foul mood with food.  Today, I tried cooking a flax seed mug muffin.  It was passable, maybe, but was met with grumpiness.

What makes this all the worse is when people question me of why won't I feed him X or Y.  It's not that I won't.  It's that I can't.  He can't tolerate it.  He gets physically ill from many foods.  It's never that I am choosing this, or that I want to cook this way.  Frankly, it does truly suck.  

Try baking anything to taste remotely familiar without any of the above ingredients.  Try making breakfast with the above restrictions (and he will reject the suggestion of fruit, and will not want a smoothie because he's so freaking cold all the time).  Try being the kid who basically can never eat a piece of candy unless it's dark chocolate (minus the dairy).  Try being one of "those moms" who needs to be asked what her kid actually CAN eat.. but it has to be special order because he can't eat whatever his classmates can.  You, too, will be saying "Uggggh!" and "This sucks." and "Why can't I just be normal and eat normal foods?" 

To all my fellow parents in the food trenches, I feel for ya.  I really do.  If you have any great recipes that follow these restrictions, please send 'em my way!  If you're looking for a challenge, find a recipe for Eclairs that follows these restrictions.  Haha.. betcha can't!


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