No better, and a Lymphatic System Discussion

My last post covered a healing PEMF mat and LDN.  Although it's rather early for both, I thought I'd report anyway.

The mat is heavy.  Lugging it up the stairs to John's room was actually kind of hard because it's awkward, and it literally has over 12 lbs of gemstones in it.  He decided that sleeping on the mat while he's trying to rest is just too hard to do.  It's not comfortable, so using it overnight seems to be out for now.  He's used it intermittently otherwise, and while it's warm and toasty, the joint pain hasn't improved.  Maybe we need longer to determine a verdict, but if we don't notice any improvement in 3 weeks, it's going back.  I don't need more things that don't work.

As for the LDN, he's not even one week in.  No improvements have been noted.  The blogs and experienced Lymies using LDN tell me it can take 4-6 months to really notice a difference.  OMG.  We don't have that kind of patience right now.  Poor guy's been waiting for improvements for 2 months since Utah, and it's only getting worse.  The joint pain is more intense.  The depression is awful.  I hate this.  Find the blessing, bah.  There's no blessing in seeing your child suffer.  Til you walk 5 years in a Lyme kid or Lyme parent's shoes, don't ask me to find the blessing.  It only makes me bitter.

I contacted Matt at the FAR Clinic to see if he wanted me to change anything since we're stagnant in this bad place we're stuck in.  He recommended that we lower our hyperthermia to 101, and increase John's rebounding.  I can't remember if I've discussed rebounding or not... but basically, John is supposed to use a mini-trampoline.  The actions of the light bouncing activate the lymphatic system.

What's the lymphatic system?  It's the system your science teacher didn't tell you about when you were learning about circulatory, skeletal, nervous system, etc.  It's not even included on this website that discusses body systems!  The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help remove waste, toxins and other unwanted materials from your body.  This system helps the immune system fight infection, too.  There's a lot about the lymphatic system that we don't know yet.  It's amazing to me that we were made aware of this system's existence in the 1600s, but it still isn't fully understood.

When you have a flare up in your body from a virus, infection, or even cancer, your lymphatic system goes into action.  Your lymph nodes filter the foreign invaders from your body, and traps them until the white blood cells can come along and wage war.  Most lymph nodes cannot be felt, as they can be as small as the head of a pin.  However, some lymph nodes are as large as an olive, and these ones you might be able to feel, especially if you are sick, as they become swollen.  The easiest lymph nodes to find are in your armpits and by your throat.  Some people fighting cancer have been told to remove their lymph nodes.  I have read a lot about whether this is a reasonable strategy with the fight on cancer.  Lymph nodes do so much to filter out the bad, that I believe it would be harder on the body to fight without them.  Anyhow, I digress.

The lymphatic system works best with activity.  The bouncing action of a trampoline is actually quite ideal to get the lymphatic system flowing.  And when the system is working at its peak, it will do a better job helping John eliminate the dead spirochetes.  The biggest issue with this is actually having the energy to bounce.  Here's other tips on activating your lymphatic system.


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