New Supplements Today..

Today, some of our new additions to supplements came.  While not all items from Buhner protocol have arrived, some did, and since John had a rough morning, I was ready to try them.  The things we added today are:

SAM-e:  this is supposed to help all kinds of symptoms, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, and fibromyalgia.

L-acetyl carnitine: this supports the mitochondria, which are our energy producing factories on the cellular level.  It is thought to give energy specifically to brain cells.

Tryptophan:  heard of it before?  It's the amino acid that is responsible for making you sleepy from Thanksgiving turkey.  Tryptophan is required to make melatonin and serotonin.  In this case, we are hoping for a boost in his feel good hormones.  Some prefer 5-HTP as it's further broken down, and we've used that in the past too. If tryptophan doesn't work, we will swap it out for 5-HTP, which currently resides in my supplement graveyard.

CoQ10, Liposomal:  this was ordered from Seeking Health, a company that is owned by respected naturopath, and genetic expert (particularly on MTHFR) Dr. Ben Lynch.  This supplement helps support cellular and mitochondrial health, helps maintain energy production (bring it!) and strengthens cardiovascular health.

Beyond this, I am trying to focus on our blessings.  The ones I reminded him of today:

  • Many people are praying for your health (and thanks to those folks).
  • You have a family that loves you and will do anything for you.
  • You have all the healthy food, supplements and medicine to get you better eventually.
  • You have parents that will not give up.
  • You are homeschooled, and can rest whenever you need to.
  • You are LittleDog's human, and he watches over you and protects you.
My last thought of the day took me back to January 2010, when John had his only weird health issue prior to his Lyme diagnosis.  I decided to call the children's hospital who had us wait out what was "probably a virus."  I want to know if they had tested him for Lyme back then.  I'd be surprised if they did because it was January, and who gets Lyme in January in a climate where the average temp is 20F?  His "virus" symptoms were major joint pain, swelling, large hives on shoulders and knees, and a fever.  My son could barely walk with his cankles.  I remember this day like it was yesterday.  It was our first blood test.  Tragic.  I was such naive mom back then, trusting doctors and taking their word that it was "just a virus."  I've never seen any kid with a virus like that before, or since.  

I'm proudly one of those moms now.  This disease made me this way.  I'm proud of who I am because I've grown so much, but I'm still fighting and struggle daily that I can't figure this out and make him well yet.  I've always been one to work hard, but in the past I've seen measurable results.  This disease surely tests your faith.  This disease challenges your support system because you constantly need it.

I will ask questions at medical appointments.  I will order blood work on my own if I have to.  I will advocate for my children.  I will be tough.  I will be strong.  And I'll be their soft place to fall too.  And even though I have zero medical education, I will help whoever I can however I can by pointing friends and family, even strangers, down the right path if they seek my advise.  Something good must come of this - it's what I cling to.


  1. You are doing an amazing job! You are a wonderful mother, and a true inspiration. Your hard work, positive energy and optimism keeps us all trying harder. thanks

    1. I am humbled everyday by this disease. It challenges me to be a better person, an optimist despite the overwhelming nature of the chronic parts of the illness. Thank you for your support. I believe anyone would do the same given the situation. There are many Lyme warriors and Lyme warrior parents out there doing their best to overcome the odds. Seeing micro improvements are what we cling to. Much love to you.


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