Why (Maybe) Lyme Patients Feel Awful This Week

Today was another visit to the homeopath (I'll call her Sue) at our Lyme clinic.  To Sue's dismay, my son was the 6th patient in a row that had stated he felt worse today than the previous month.  It's really been irritating.  We've done so much good work battling this disease.  Healthy (nasty) smoothies, hyperthermia daily, detoxing.  All of it.  We should be making progress, but we aren't.  Sue was flabbergasted.  Why is everyone worse?  It can't be a coincidence.

I took to the FB Lyme groups to ask, "Who feels worse this week?"  Of 20 respondents, 18 felt worse and 2 felt better.  There were several theories offered.  First, Hurricane Irma.  Second, ragweed and mold.  Last, solar flares.

We are in the Midwest, maybe close enough to have some residual effects of Irma, but nothing major.  For seasonal allergies, John has never really noticed these.  Patrick and Paul are sneezing left and right, but John and I are ok.  This leaves us with solar flares.  Apparently there have been a series of major solar flares, as the sun had its strongest solar blast in 12 years on 9/6/2017.  I have seen information about how Lymies flare during the full moon, but have yet to figure out the correlation with the solar flares.  If I find out, I'll report back.

I really wish I had some spirochetes in a petri dish and a really strong microscope.  I'd love to experiment, see how they behave in different situations.  Maybe it makes no difference to some, but to me, knowing the reason why my son feels like crap is helpful.  I would much rather have this odd explanation of solar flares than say we're sliding backwards no matter how hard he's working.  This is my story and I'm sticking to it.


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