Day 4: FAR Clinic

My last post didn't talk about how our evening went after the treatments at the FAR Clinic.  John had some major reactions to the treatments.  Matt warned us that it might be hard on day 6&7, so this took us by surprise.  We figure that the reaction John had was due to the addition of the Rife process that was added yesterday.  The reactions John has are typical and expected with Lyme treatments and they are called Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions, or herx reactions for short (also it's common to see this used as a verb.. as in, "He's herxing after the hyperthermia treatment.").  The basic description of what's going on is that when we kill the spirochetes, they release toxins into the bloodstream.. such givers these little creeps are.  The toxins create inflammation in the body, and with Lyme patients, it can show up pretty much anywhere since the spirochetes can go anywhere. For some it shows up as joint pain, for others it's headaches.  For John yesterday afternoon, it was extreme fatigue, pain down his left arm on the outer edge from elbow to wrist and twitching in that wrist, a little of the same pain in his right wrist, pain in his left knee, and a headache.  I administered Pekana's big 3 detox kit, which is a German homeopathic detox drops of to support liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system.  This helped a little to open his detox pathways and make it easier for his body to get rid of the toxins and dead Lyme cells.  An hour after that, I gave him 6 chlorella tablets.  Chlorella is a plant based product known for soaking up bad materials in your system and getting them out.  The combo of these two things did the trick.  John was back to no pain and feeling good by 9pm.

Today was the same routine.  Medical smoothie first.  This is always his nemesis.  It's green, it's chunky, it smells displeasing, it tastes rather gross, it causes gas.  But today, we figured out a way to overcome it.  It was bacon day at the Hyatt.  This hotel likes to rotate their breakfast offerings, so when it's bacon day, you gotta get as much as you can!  I figured bacon is salty and rich.  The smoothie is green and icky.  Maybe, just maybe, it'd balance out.  Sure enough, John said eating bacon between big gulps allowed him to avoid the lingering smoothie taste.  Victorious!  On to gym time.

Elanda had John repeat the shoulder and half squat exercises, but had him do sprints in the hotel hallway.  The sprint exercises were meant to be done on a bike, but John's legs aren't long enough.  The treadmill was working ok, but Elanda didn't like how John couldn't figure out how to get a full stride with arms pumping freely.  After hockey tournaments spent telling him to walk in the hall, he was given permission to run like a wild maniac through the Hyatt.  I forgot to get a pic of it.  Elanda liked his stride better and we completed the gym portion running at a full sprint with Elanda whooping and giving high fives.  You really have to admire her spirit.  She lives for fitness, and her guns are pretty impressive. You better whoop along or get socked.  Just kidding, she's not the violent type.  

At clinic, we did the usual routine of hyperthermia, health pod, smoothie again with PEMF (no Rife this time), and G-force machine.  The only new event was that Matt taught me how to make the medical smoothie. He likes to make a concentrat to freeze into an ice cube tray, and then daily blend the concentrate into a fresh smoothie for the day.  What's in it?  Are you on the edge of your seat?  I won't list all the ingredients because there are many... but it consists of items such as: broccoli, parsley, kale, spinach, cucumbers, radish, berries, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, a variety of different seeds, pea powder, epicor yeast, almonds, coconut milk, almond milk, and green powder.  To make a smoothie, seven ice cubes are added to a blender with more greens, pea protein, almonds, coconut milk, electrolytes, supplements, and stevia.  Super nutritious, not so tasty.  The point is to get these ingredients together in the right ratios to build your immune system. Don't forget the bacon.

I've said it before... the staff is really great at the FAR Clinic.  They are very attentive and never seem rushed to get you in and out.  They spend time getting to know you, not just your condition.  Matt does the bulk of the treatments, with Elanda as second for time spent. You can tell these people live to help people.  It's their passion and it shows.  They also work very well with kids even though the bulk of their patients are adults (John is their youngest patient of all time at 12).  Though John doesn't appreciate it much when Matt says "Woohoo!  Smoothie time!", it does soften the blow a little and make John not so irritated to be receiving the smoothie.

We are supposed to be resting but John isn't tired for the first time.  I'll try getting the smoothie in him with more bacon.  Wish me luck!


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