Day 13: FAR Clinic, Home!

Our last day in Utah was a good one.  John was highly motivated to get everything done quickly to get home to his puppy, so the breakfast smoothie went down without a struggle.  He did his chest and back exercises, and then hyperthermia in the hotel hot tub.  His heart is still looking very strong compared to when we started.  We are very pleased with this, as it's the easiest change to see given that we have the oximeter.  Elanda gave John an uplifting, handwritten card and a Captain America t-shirt as a congratulations for completing his program.  She's so positive and fun to be around; we will miss her for sure.

The health pod, PEMF bed with lunch smoothie, and G-force machine went as expected at the clinic. We had a brief chat with Rod, but honestly, we could have talked to him for much longer.  As an inventor, he has a lot of interesting projects that he's working on, and it's captivating to hear what he's creating.  With a couple hugs on our way out the door, we were on our way to the airport.

Flying is such a convenience that sometimes you expect it to be completely convenient.  What we take for granted is such a miracle if you think about it, thousands of people moving from one place to the next in a large metal vehicle moving at 400-600mph.  There are so few accidents and errors that it boggles the mind.  That being said, we keep getting inconvenient seats in the screaming toddler section.  I have adrenal issues such that shrill sudden noises make me want to climb a wall.  Not a good idea to act in such a fashion on a 3 hour flight.  Thankfully, I had earplugs to soften the edge of the outbursts from the little girl diagonally behind me.

I tried to be a good seat neighbor, handing her pictures I tore from my puzzle magazine, which stopped the din a few times.  I smiled and was cheerful despite the tension the screams were causing me.  John was grumbling and anxious (he was feeling feet pushing the back of his seat from the screamer's sister).  I explained to John that small children don't know how to deal with the air pressure changes and it can cause discomfort for them.  With babies, feeding them bottles on the ascent and descent helps relieve that pressure as they swallow.  With toddlers, fruit snacks are an awesome go-to for helping those ears adjust to pressure.  It is easy to research tips for how to keep a child comfortable on a flight.  Distraction and food!  While it doesn't always work, seat neighbors appreciate it if other methods than saying "shh..." repeatedly are tried.  If we're going to do more traveling, I might have to start carrying my own set of fruit snacks to hand out.

When you spend time at smaller airports, you forget how big our airport is.  I mean, it took 11 minutes to taxi to the gate once we landed.  However, we landed at a closer gate, and had a short walk to baggage claim.  Our luggage was out fairly quickly, and we were on our way to a nice clean pick up from Paul and Patrick, and two crazy dogs curbside.  The ride home was fun despite Ranger's gassiness (did you know he toots when he's excited..).  Our only minor detour was to go to a natural food store to get turmeric root for the smoothies that are now mine to make.  I was able to find divine grape GT Dave's Kombucha (my favorite) and the Daiya "Cheezecake" in the store as well.  Score!

Ah, smoothies.  I totally appreciate Matt having made them for us.  There are many ingredients, some require grinding and measuring, some not.   The only hiccup in the process was that Paul was trying to be helpful and get the ingredients while I was gone.  He didn't realize that several of the things he bought weren't organic.  I'm pretty adamant about fruits with skins we eat - berries, grapes, apples - they need to be organic if we can get them as such.  He went back to the store to pick up organic berries and a few more things we didn't have while I started the process.  As it turned out, our local store didn't have organic berries in stock, so I ended up using triple berry organic frozen mix from Costco.  It took me a long while to make what looks like would last 1 person 5 days.  I hope this gets more efficient, as I plan to support John and drink these smoothies with him for the next 2.5 months.

I'll keep posting updates now that we're done with the clinic portion of our experience.  We are to keep going with this for 3 more months, and I'm sure I'll have updates.  We see our local Lyme clinic homeopath on Thursday, and I'm curious to see what she thinks about all this.


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