Continuing at Home

After finishing the two weeks at the FAR Clinic, we were supposed to continue the same general routine at home.  It's a bit more challenging at home, without the clinic staff encouraging John
along.  We tried keeping the same morning routine as we did in Utah, but we found the hyperthermia was wiping John out too much to enjoy the rest of his day.  Since then, we have changed to doing our routine closer to bedtime.  It seems to be an improvement, as he's tired just in time for bed.

We have been playing with the smoothie recipe a little. John's been having some tummy aches with the standard recipe, so I got in touch with Matt at the clinic yesterday to see what I should do.  I suspected the issues were either the peas or the pea protein, since we knew these were issues for John in the past.  I muscle tested John for peas and pea protein, and found that the peas caused him to be weak.  I reported back Matt about the peas.  He suggested we swap cauliflower for the peas.  With that, I was off to make another batch of smoothie concentrate.

Today was the day we tried the new concentrate with cauliflower.  One drink and John was pretty sure he'd rather suffer the gas of the peas instead of enduring the cauliflower flavor.  I can't say I blame him.

My other son, Patrick, has been struggling lately.  He has had aldosterone and low vitamin D issues in the past, so I had him into the doctor yesterday for a blood draw.  The doctor wanted to run a CD57 test to rule out Lyme as part of what could be causing his repeated issues.  He felt awful after the blood draw, with a headache and dizziness. And then last night, his blood pressure was somewhat low, I think it was 90/63.  He was still somewhat dizzy, but worse than that was profound sadness.  About eleven at night, Patrick was crying and in pain from the headache.  Knowing his blood pressure was low, we gave him orange juice and some salt to get his blood pressure up and his adrenals supported.  We also added back vitamin D, micellized, because we know depression and mood issues coincide with low vitamin D.  I'm happy to report that today was a much better day for him.  His mood was jovial, and his headache was gone.  I am so relieved. We need to stay on top of his vitamins and minerals, as it's really tough on this mama to have 2 kids suffering simultaneously.

Besides health stuff, we found our garden has exploded since we were in Utah.  I had a dozen cucumbers, 2 dozen zucchini, 8 crook neck squash, 5 acorn squash, carrots aplenty, kale galore, etc.  I can only imagine how good the garden would have done if I had paid attention to it.  Here's a great to use up some of that yellow crook neck squash.  Adapt to gluten free using Namaste brand flour blend, egg replacer or flaxseed egg substitute, and coconut oil instead of butter.  Enjoy!
Lemon Poppyseed Squash Bread


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