What Not to Say..
I've been thinking about the life we are living, and there are a few things that impact daily lives beyond what you might imagine. Chronic illness and constant stress from it is hard to live with, but it is also hard to watch. Sometimes people who believe they are helpful wish to contribute unsolicited opinions. The devil's advocate in me believes they probably mean well, but the mama bear in me sometimes goes on the offensive. A little preface here. My husband is a genius. Literally. And while I'm not a genius, I am very well educated. I'm also fairly OCD. I pour over major life decisions. I research thoroughly. I talk to my circle of health-oriented friends. My husband and I discuss our parenting decisions together and we often include our sons in many of these discussions. While we ask their input, we are in charge of raising them and our viewpoint weighs more. Luckily, though, they typically agree with w...